TMJ Treatment | Neuromuscular Therapy

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ or TMD) is commonly misdiagnosed because most people (including many doctors) are not familiar with the disorder and its associated symptoms. Our advanced training in neuromuscular medicine allows Dr. Jai V. Patel, DDS and Dr. Rahil H. Patel, DDS to effectively treat TMJ sufferers. Many times, neuromuscular treatment can be an effective and permanent solution to a lifetime of pain, pain medications and unsuccessful treatment.

Some of the symptoms of TMJ or TMD may include:


There are many different types of headaches including sinus, cluster, tension and migraine. Tension headaches are the most common. Accounting for 90% of all headaches, they often originate in, or are referred to the muscles of your forehead. If the headache only occurs occasionally, it can be controlled with pain medication. If the headaches persist for a long period of time or occur with regularity, it is important to discuss this with our dentist.

Facial Pain

Muscles constantly under tension from a bad bite can cause the face and jaw joint to be sore and tender. If the bite is not corrected, the muscles may remain sore for a long period of time. These tense muscles do not get a chance to rest, nor do they get the proper circulation they need. This lack of oxygen and accumulation of metabolic waste can cause pain (facial or head pain).

Clicking, Popping or Grinding in the Jaw Joint

The noises heard in the jaw upon opening and closing is an indication of damage to the TMJ disk. The misalignment of the bite can cause destruction to the joint and associated disk.

Broken, Worn, Chipped or Loose Teeth

Abnormal tension and spasm in the muscles of the head and neck can cause you to grind your teeth. Many times, this grinding happens at night. Not only is it destructive to the teeth and jaw joint, but it can also drastically affect your sleep pattern.

Ear Congestion or Ringing in the Ears

Constant spasm of the associated muscles of the head and neck due to a bad bite can cause constriction of the Eustachian tube. This may lead to ringing, dullness or hollow sounds in the ear.

Many other symptoms are associated with TMJ or TMD. They may include:

  • Limited Opening of the Jaw
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty Swallowing
  • Tender or Sensitive Teeth
  • Difficulty Chewing
  • Neck Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Postural Problems
  • Hot and Cold Sensitivity
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Nervousness and Insomnia

Oftentimes, getting the bite right and correcting the TMJ will alleviate all of these symptoms. Effective treatment includes stopping the muscle tension and spasm, repositioning the jaw with advanced technology and therapy, and permanently placing the jaw into a physiologic rest position.
The goal of TMJ or TMD neuromuscular treatment is to place the bite where the muscles that control jaw position are at their best for optimal function and comfort. Sugar Land Dental Associates utilizes neuromuscular dentistry and state-of-the-art technology to successfully treat TMJ and its associated symptoms.

Call 281-207-4161 and schedule a consultation for TMJ treatment in Sugar Land, Texas.