Root Canal Therapy in Sugar Land, TX

What Is Root Canal Therapy?

When a tooth’s nerve becomes nonviable, the infected tissue necessitates removal through either tooth extraction or the procedure known as a root canal. A root canal involves the elimination of the infected tissue from the tooth and the subsequent filling of the canal where the nerve used to be.

The nerve within a tooth can become infected due to various factors. For instance, deep decay in the tooth can reach the nerve, or an accidental fracture of the tooth may expose the nerve. Sometimes, even a traumatic injury to the tooth can result in nerve death and infection. Regardless of the cause, when the nerve becomes infected, it is imperative to remove the nerve tissue either through tooth extraction or by performing a root canal. Ideally, a root canal should be administered before the infection can extend into the surrounding bone, preventing the development of severe swelling and pain. Regular dental check-ups and promptly consulting with Dr. Jai V. Patel, DDS or Dr. Rahil H. Patel, DDS at the first sign of discomfort typically help in avoiding more serious complications.

What Are Some Warning Signs That Endodontic Treatment Might Be Needed?

  • Severe toothache
  • Darkening or discoloration of the tooth
  • Swelling or pain in the gums around the tooth
  • Persistent sensitivity to cold or hot
  • Tenderness in the lymph nodes or jawbone

After Endodontic Treatment Will I Ever Have Trouble With That Tooth Again?

This should be a permanent solution for the tooth. Since the nerve is dead and all the material has been removed, you will no longer feel any pain or sensitivity. Keep in mind that you will still need to keep up with your oral hygiene, as the gums still need to be well cared for.

What Is the Procedure for Endodontic Treatment?

Most root canals can be performed in a single visit. First, our dentist and team will numb the entire area with local anesthesia. Next, the tooth is isolated with a sheet of rubber, which also serves to keep the tooth dry and sterile during the procedure. Dr. Patel or Dr. Patel then accesses the tooth and thoroughly removes the decayed nerve tissue. The debris is flushed away with fluids. After the tooth is cleaned, we will seal the canal with a special sealer paste compound. Most teeth that have undergone a root canal will need further restoration, which typically involves the placement of a permanent crown.

Are Root Canals Painful?

Most people would say it is no more painful than a regular filling. You are fully numb so you will not feel us accessing the tooth or any of the instrumentation during the procedure.

If you suspect that you may need root canal therapy in Sugar Land, Texas, please call Sugar Land Dental Associates at 281-207-4161 and schedule a consultation.